kris from deltarune, kneeling against a plain background while facing the screen


hi i'm KC!

they/he/she/fae pronouns (either pick one or cycle through them randomly, both are correct!)

i'm 21+


* i'm trans, genderfluid, disabled, and just want PEACE
* oh also i'm a kinnie i guess. this really says the most about me / what kind of person i am so lmao
so far the list is:
* plight lamplighter oneshot
* kris dreemurr deltarune
* kiwi the bard wandersong
* hop pokemon swsh
* wirt over the garden wall
* shion no.6
* idm doubles or anything nothing really matters (optimistic)

fun facts

*i'm a game developer! i make tabletop RPGs and one day i'll be making video games :>
*chances are i'm working on a billion projects from fanfic to pixel art to a game and somehow procrastinating on all of them
*if we share any interests, i'm always down to talk about em! just show up in my inbox/messages like we've been pals for ages :} don't vent at me randomly tho, its super uncomfortable
*you can find a list of all the stuff i like here
* the only two things im rly afraid of are darkness + ocean waves

things i like

* not an exhaustive list bc who has that kind of sense of self

this is vaguely organized by all time favourite -> liked but also the leaderboard changes pretty frequently. last updated on 9/20/21


* undertale/deltarune
* katana zero
* pokemon (mostly gens 7 + 8)
* hyper light drifter
* oneshot (game)
* borderlands (mostly gameplay/modding)
* va-11 hall-a: cyberbunk bartending action
* among us
* starbound
* minecraft

* d.gray-man
* no.6
* fullmetal alchemist
* noragami
* welcome to night vale (im not up to date :<)
* world of warcraft (i play on US moon guard alliance)
* a hat in time
* spyro/crash bandicoot
* moonlighter


* bartending
* baking
* interior design
* pixel art
* cryptids
* frogs

* game design / programming / modding
* fashion
* glassblowing
* speedrunning
* writing